Modix BIG-60 v2: Review After a Year!

Modix BIG-60 v2: Review After a Year!

Treyton Damerval |

It has now been over a year since Brandon first fired up the Modix BIG-60 (v2) 3D printer. Since then it has produced many many printed parts. Find out if his initial impression has changed!

Watch Brandon's 3-part series, as he re-evaluates his thoughts on this machine.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Brandon discusses the wish list items he would like to see in the Big60 machines. Other than the modifications he's done (see part 1), what other design changes could make the BIG-60 even better?

Part 3:

Brandon goes over his final thoughts about the machine after his experiences with it. What's good, what's bad, who's it a good fit for, and more!


Subscribe to Brandon, the EcoStruder, on YouTube!

Brandon's 6-Part Series on Building the Modix BIG-60 3D Printer